energy medicine
hello, i’m meghan.
i’m here to help you remember
who —and what— you truly are:
a spark of the great light,
here in human form,
so consciousness can
grow, feel, and know itself
through you.
My intention is this:
to help you reconnect with the energy that holds you, the same energy that moves through you, the energy that is you—whether you call it
Spirit, Love, Presence or Reiki.
You are already whole.
You are not broken, and you do not need to be fixed.
You are eternal energy, temporarily focused into a physical body. Each day, you meet the conditions of reality and respond, learn, and grow—whether you’re aware of it or not. Here on Earth, those conditions can feel blissful or excruciating, and sometimes both at once.
Often, when we were young and our physical body-vessels were still coming into form, there was no one who could truly be with us as we authentically were. We were seen as too much, or not enough. Our safety, our connection—our very belonging—felt conditional. So we learned to not be with ourselves in order to survive this Earth place. Those early strategies—the stories, the protections, the patterns—still live on in our bodies and in our energy fields.
I believe these patterns are waiting to be seen and acknowledged, to be expressed and understood. For that to happen, they need the presence and unconditional love that may have been missing back then.
That’s where I come in.
When I connect with your energy field, I enter a space of deep and compassionate listening—but I’m not listening for words, I’m listening for energy. Maybe I’ll hear your guides & ancestors celebrating a shift in your patterning, or sharing their perspective. Maybe I’ll feel the shape of what’s inside your heart right now. Maybe I’ll perceive something stored in your body long before you had language—a story waiting to be known, so it can come to its natural completion.
I make myself available to witness what your system wants to be witnessed—so you can finally digest and release what’s been waiting within you for so long to be known.